How to Use Your AMEX Platinum for Streaming Entertainment

The American Express bank is one of the most widely recognized banking agencies in the united states and the rest of the world. A myriad of reasons have contributed to this, but the most prominent is that the bank has and still appeals to the luxury segment and the nouveau riche, to be more precise. Even though traditionally, they have been able to keep this segment of its clientele happy with their services, they are constantly looking for things to add to their platinum card. This should not be surprising since a third of its clientele’s spending was either on entertainment or travel, according to Upgrade Points. Of course, as was expected, these numbers took a huge fall during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, since the world is slowly but surely opening back up again, it is not surprising that American Express is looking for ways to bring people back to its platinum card subscription service. The bank has identified that consumer spending patterns have taken a turn and has thus made sure that they are braced for the sudden shift in dynamics. It has done so by introducing a plethora of perks for its platinum users. Of these perks, the bank has begun to offer new types of statement credits and benefits. This is just one means they are using to offset the annual fees that their consumers accumulate while also retaining its customers. One of the nascent credits that the bank has tried to bring forth is the Digital entertainment credit. This was not there before the COVID pandemic, but it is not surprising that the bank has decided to take this route since streaming has proliferated since the onset of the pandemic. The raison d’etre of this article is to showcase how the digital entertainment credit, new to the AMEX platinum card, works.

What is the new Amex Platinum digital entertainment credit?

The Platinum Card from American Express has experienced a significant update regarding the benefits that it normally comes with. The card has increased its annual subscription fee to 695 dollars. Of course, at first glance, this looks like an enormous sum. However, the bank has added a couple of new features that, at least form phase-value, make it seem more appealing than ever before. One of the said features is the monthly statement credit that goes towards digital entertainment. If you can max out this benefit, the card will automatically appear like a better deal than before.

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So, what exactly is this feature?

The new Amex Platinum Card offers up to 240 dollars in digital entertainment statement credits every year, about 20 dollars every month. Although it may seem appealing at first glance, you will only be able to use the said amount on a very select few subscriptions.The said statement credits can only be used with sites such as peacock, Sirius XM, Audible, and the New York Times. These are not the most popular streaming sites in the world right now, but, as the bank sees it, they are likely relevant enough to please, if not all then some of, the cardholders and even entice new ones to get the card. Even though 240 dollars a year is a lot of money, there are a couple of reasons why this could prove to be significantly less. Here is why;

How do you use the Amex Platinum Digital Entertainment Credit?

Note that you have first to enroll your card before you purchase, even if it already qualifies for the services. If you do not enroll in the card, then you will not receive any statement credits. To do so, you will have to go to the Amex Platinum Home page, then click on the ‘Benefits’ tab, which is at the top of the screen. After that, you will see many tiles pop up, with each outlining every card benefit in full. You will need to scroll down till you see the ‘New: $240 Digital Entertainment Credit’ tile. From there, you should click on the ‘Get Started’ or ‘Learn More’ button. You will then have to scroll past all the tips and details until you get to a picture of your card. Here, you will have to indicate that you understand all the terms and conditions that come with the card benefit, then click, ‘Enroll Now.’ And that is all there is to it. What do you get when you subscribe to the Amex Platinum digital entertainment credit?

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Peacock comes with two paid products, the premium, 4.99 dollars a month, and the 9.99 dollars premium plus package. Once you subscribe to it, you will not be reimbursed for the subscriptions bundled with the cable services or any other bundles.


Audible is an audiobook platform brought to you by Amazon, which allows you to download and stream more than a quarter of a million books. Audible has two plans, the 7.95 dollars for the audible plus and the 14.95 dollar premium plus, both monthly. It also gives you an option to purchase books. Whether you plan to pay for the subscription service or purchase a couple of books, your Amex Platinum monthly credit will kick in. However, you must remember that you will have to purchase the books directly from

The New York Times

The New York Times comes with a couple of introductory offers, but here is what, in general, you should expect when going to the New York Times. The digital subscription is 4.25 dollars a week. The paper copy subscription starts at 10 dollars a week, which is the Sunday edition, the NYT Cooking magazine is about 1.25 dollars a week, and the New York Times Games is 1.25 dollars a week. You will, however, have to visit to be able to trigger the Amex Platinum Credit. However, you will not be able to use the credit for the ad services, gift cards, the TimesDigest, or any other purchases on the NYTimes company store.

Articles: 341

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